5 Steps to Making a Vision Board

Does this ring a bell? Creating vision boards is usually a staple in team buildings organized by companies or schools but there's so much  more to vision boards than being just a simple activity that you can dispose of after these events.

What exactly is a vision board? A vision board is a visual representation of things that you want to achieve in life. It's usually composed of images that represent your goal and quotes that inspire you.

Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do, according to one article in Huffington Post. We all have goals in the back of our minds but there are times that we tend to forget about it especially when we're tired, worried or preoccupied with unnecessary stuff. The purpose a personal vision board is to constantly remind us of our direction in life. Remind us why we do what we do and what we're supposed to do. Think of it as a visual checklist! It's fun and chic!

For my first post, I am going to enumerate a few steps on making a vision board.

#1 Discern your goals

This is the foundation of your vision board. You have to lay out your goals. Perhaps write it on a piece of paper. Be clear and concise. This will help you in choosing your visual elements.

#2 Determine your materials

The next thing you have to consider is whether to make it traditionally or digitally.

Traditional: Glue, magazines, books, newspaper and other materials for crafting will give you that old school feel.

Digital: This will require making use of photo editing softwares like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or other apps.
In my case, I wanted to save myself from all the snipping and gluing so I opted for this. For the elements, any online image/illustration hosting sites or even pictures you took yourself.

#3 Find out what style/feel you want to go for

Retro? Grunge? Gothic? How do you want your vision board to look like? Making a firm decision on this can help you be consistent in the elements you'd include.

#4 Symbolic/Very literal images

The images can be symbolic or it can be straightforward.
For example, love life. You can simply use a photo of a heart or holding hands and for a more straightforward approach, you can use a photo of a couple, you and your SO even. Assuming you have one already. What ever floats your boat. Just make sure that the message can always be clear to you.

#5 Quotes and other elements

When it comes to putting quotes and elements. I advise you to keep it in moderation. Having too much elements can make it too rowdy and crowded. Ultimately, it can drown out your message. Aim to make your board clear upon first look. Same logic in creating advertisements, you have to understand it without having to examine it too much.

#6 Put it where you can see it often

To fulfill the purpose of a vision board, you have to put in a place you frequent. Your bedroom, your workstation, your call.

Want a look similar to mine? Here are some references:
Photos from pinterest.com
Color scheme from www.colourlovers.com/ (keyword: pastel)
Additional elements: https://www.freepik.com (keyword: memphis)
CMYK 300 dpi for printing

For my goals, to spend more time with loved ones, travel more, publish a zine, be fit, own a house and car, professional growth and start a business.

Well, it's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed my first post. Should you decide to make one for yourself, do share it with me!:)

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